
Stem Cell for Neuropathy

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve experienced tingling, numbness, pain, or limited mobility in your hands or feet due to neuropathy. You probably miss the activities you used to love – going for long walks, hiking, biking, golfing, tennis, skiing, or just playing with your grandkids.

The thought of surgery seems daunting, and you worry about recovery time. If you want a solution that can get you back to doing what you love without resorting to major invasive procedures, we may just have the right therapy for you!

Our regenerative stem cell therapy could be the natural solution you’ve been searching for. By utilizing your body’s own healing cells, we can reduce inflammation, repair damaged nerve tissue, and stimulate lasting pain relief. Stem cell treatment for neuropathy promotes your body’s innate healing power without risky medications or surgery.


What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy is a non-surgical procedure that uses your body’s own stem cells to help heal injuries, reducing inflammation and pain. Stem cells are the body’s master cells that can develop into many different cell types, like muscle, cartilage, tendon, or bone cells.

They have the ability to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. For neuropathy, stem cells are harvested from your own bone marrow or fat cells. These stem cells are then concentrated and injected into areas of nerve damage, like the hands, feet, or spine.

How Does Stem Cell Treatment Work?

There are several ways stem cell therapy can help reduce neuropathy symptoms and nerve damage:


Reduces inflammation

Stem cells contain growth factors that decrease swelling and inflammation around damaged nerves. This provides natural pain relief.


Repairs nerve fibers

Stem cells can regenerate nerve fibers and restore function to nerves damaged by neuropathy. This reduces numbness and tingling.


Heals injuries

Stem cells can heal compressed or injured nerves by rebuilding the myelin sheath around nerve fibers.


Improves circulation

Stem cells stimulate improved blood flow to enhance healing and oxygen delivery to nerves.


Regrows nerves

Stem cells can grow new nerve cells, repairing damage and restoring sensation and function. This reduces chronic neuropathic pain.


Reduces inflammation

Stem cells contain growth factors that decrease swelling and inflammation around damaged nerves. This provides natural pain relief.


Repairs nerve fibers

Stem cells can regenerate nerve fibers and restore function to nerves damaged by neuropathy. This reduces numbness and tingling.


Heals injuries

Stem cells can heal compressed or injured nerves by rebuilding the myelin sheath around nerve fibers.


Improves circulation

Stem cells stimulate improved blood flow to enhance healing and oxygen delivery to nerves.


Regrows nerves

Stem cells can grow new nerve cells, repairing damage and restoring sensation and function. This reduces chronic neuropathic pain.

The Process of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is a simple outpatient procedure that doesn’t require surgery or hospitalization. Here’s how it works for neuropathy treatment:

Rigorous screenings and tests are conducted on stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas post-cesarean section to guarantee unmatched quality and safety in our treatments.

The first step when you come in for your treatment is numbing the joint with an anesthetic.

Using ultrasound guidance, the stem cells are injected into damaged nerves and tissues. Common injection points include the hands, feet, knees, hips, and along the spine.

The entire procedure takes approximately 60-90 minutes.

Most patients can resume normal activities within 1-2 days. Improvement happens gradually over 4-8 weeks as the stem cells repair nerve damage.

Smiling happy old patient visit doctor

FAQs about Stem Cell for Neuropathy

Most patients experience significant reductions in neuropathy pain, numbness, and tingling within 4-8 weeks after stem cell injections. The nerve regeneration effects continue improving over 3-6 months. Durability varies based on the severity of nerve damage and patient factors like age. Periodic maintenance injections can help sustain benefits.
Stem cell therapy has an excellent safety record, with very minimal side effects for neuropathy patients. Since it uses the patient’s own cells, there is no risk of rejection. It does not require medications, surgery, or hospitalization.
There is minimal downtime with stem cell therapy. You can resume light activities the next day, with minor activity restrictions for 2-3 days. Discomfort is mild and managed with over-the-counter pain medication if needed.
Many patients report a decrease in neuropathic pain, tingling, and numbness within 2-4 weeks. Maximum benefits occur over 3-6 months as the stem cells regenerate damaged nerves. Most people see gradual, steady improvement during this time.
Yes, stem cell therapy is emerging as a promising potential treatment option for peripheral neuropathy. Stem cells can help repair damaged peripheral nerves and reduce inflammation that contributes to neuropathic pain and numbness.

A lot of people wonder if you can apply stem cell therapy for neuropathy in feet. Research is underway and early results indicate stem cell injections into the feet may help regenerate damaged peripheral nerves. This can reduce chronic neuropathic pain and numbness and improve everyday function.


Recap of Benefits

Stem cell for neuropathy is an effective way to find relief from numbness and other neuropathy-related effects and get back to an active lifestyle. Benefits include:

Non-invasive procedure with minimal recovery time.

Use your body’s natural healing abilities.

Reduces pain and inflammation.

Repairs damaged nerves.

Stimulates regeneration of damaged nerve fibers.

Avoids surgery and implants.

Provides lasting results.

Stem Cell Therapy Beyond Neuropathy

While this page has focused on stem cell treatment for neuropathy, these incredible cells have many other regenerative uses throughout the body. Here are some of the examples:

While stem cells for neuropathy are proven to be effective, stem cells can also be injected into damaged discs, facet joints, ligaments, and neural tissue to help relieve back and neck pain caused by issues like degenerative disc disease, herniations, pinched nerves, or whiplash injuries. The stem cells can:

  • Reduce inflammation of irritated nerve roots.
  • Regenerate disc cartilage, renewing cushion and height.
  • Repair annular tears in discs.
  • Promote new bone growth to stabilize the spine.
  • Regenerate ligaments between vertebrae.
  • Prevent scar tissue from pressing on nerves.

For torn rotator cuff tendons in the shoulder, stem cells can encourage healing by:

  • Differentiating into tenocytes to form new tendon tissue.
  • Increasing blood supply to deliver nutrients.
  • Stimulating collagen production to rebuild tendon structure.
  • Reducing inflammation and scarring that impede healing.

Stem cells injected into arthritic hip joints or damaged cartilage and bone can:

  • Grow new cartilage cells to smooth joint surfaces.
  • Differentiate into bone cells to help fractures or defects heal.
  • Reduce inflammation and pain from arthritis or bursitis.
  • Produce collagen to reinforce ligaments.

Stem cells can help the body repair itself after sports injuries like ACL/MCL tears, damaged cartilage, muscle strains, or fractures. Stem cell benefits include:

  • Faster healing of broken bones.
  • Regeneration of torn ligaments or tendons.
  • Muscle repair and reduced scar tissue formation.
  • Cartilage regeneration to prevent arthritis long-term.

For joints damaged by osteoarthritis, stem cell injections can:

  • Grow new cartilage to restore cushioning.
  • Stimulate thicker synovial fluid to lubricate joints.
  • Reduce inflammation causing irritation and stiffness.
  • Slow the degenerative process.

Stem cells injected near the fracture site can:

  • Differentiate into bone cells (osteoblasts) to directly help heal the break.
  • Increase blood vessel growth to improve the blood supply needed for healing.
  • Release growth factors to stimulate bone regeneration.

Stem cells slow degeneration by:

  • Regenerating cells to replace aged, dying ones.
  • Stimulating nearby tissues to maintain structure and function.
  • Reducing inflammation that drives degeneration.
  • Limiting the formation of scar tissue.
Senior, man group and running on street together for elderly fitness and urban wellness with happiness. Happy retirement, smile and runner club in workout, diversity and teamwork in park for health.
Contact Us

Live Your Best Life with our Stem Cell Therapy for Neuropathy!

If you’re tired of chronic neuropathic pain, numbness, and tingling holding you back from the activities you love, it may be time to explore regenerative stem cell therapy. Stem cells offer a safe, natural way to tap into your body’s innate healing powers, reduce nerve inflammation, repair damaged tissue, and restore nerve function.
Imagine walking, exercising, traveling, sewing, woodworking, cooking, and living an active life again – without neuropathy slowing you down. Don’t let nerve damage steal your freedom and enjoyment of life any longer!
Contact us today to see if you may be a candidate for stem cell therapy for neuropathy. Let’s discuss your questions and goals and develop a customized neuropathy treatment plan using stem cell therapy to reduce your symptoms and get you back to living your best, most active life.
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